
Mid-Afternoon Ramblings

When my best intentions fail, you are left with this... A post full of ramblings about my life lately. 

 - I spent the past three days in three different cities and have zero regrets about the travels!

 - Yankee Candle had a sale this past weekend and I got two car jars for $1 each!

 - I am currently in the middle of an application process to become a yoga teacher at my college! (fingers crossed)

 - I am currently obsessing over Rocks Box (and the necklace that came in mine)

 - I would give anything to be back in Atlanta right now!

 - I have fallen short to the common cold and am in the middle of an uphill battle. 

 - I will be selling my jewelry at a local Christmas festival on December 5th!

 - I took myself on a solo date to Panera and it was nearly magical

 - In two weeks I am off for Thanksgiving break! It will be my first time ever getting the full week off. 

 - Black Friday is almost here! :)

 - I have been jamming non-stop to T-Swift 1989 (well two songs off the cd at least!)

 - I went to my school's botanical gardens for the first time ever this past week (no, I do not go to Oak Grove School... it was at the botanical gardens though! 

 - I am about three minutes away from making coffee...

 - While my coffee is brewing, I am going to go enter this giveaway! You should too (you can win one of my necklaces!)


  1. Sorry to hear about your cold, just getting over one myself! Bright side, your car is going smell heavenly! I have to venture to Atlanta besides the airport. One of the places we keep saying we're going to visit but haven't yet. Hope your week goes better and thanks for the sharing the giveaway!

    1. Atlanta is amazing and stressful and great all in one! I love it! Also, my car currently smells delicious!

  2. Is that baked potato soup? Whatever it is, it looks yummy! =) I hope you get that yoga teaching position, that sounds like an awesome job to have! =)

    1. It was broccoli and cheddar and it was delicious! Thank you, I hope I get it as well!

  3. Mmmmm Panera - yum yum!! And Tay tay has been on blast in my car for weeks now!
